Rise & Shine

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I recently did a meditation tuning into the energy of El Morya. As part of Kyle Gray’s Angel Team, we study a different angel or ancestor each month and this month I’m learning about El Morya. During my meditation he shared some fascinating information with me, which I want to share with all of you who are dealing with anxiety.

El Morya showed me the reason I had anxiety for so long. The image I saw was a light filled person hunched over, that was covered in a cracked shell. The light illuminating this person was a beautiful white and gold light. The outer shell covering this light being was a heavier, denser, and dull yellow colored layer. This outer layer reminded me of the candy coating on the outside of an M&M. This cracked egg shell veneer wasn’t necessarily bad, but it didn’t match the vibrancy of the light filled person. This hard shell covering had so many cracks that the glorious light emanating from the person was bursting through the cracks. The light from the person was becoming so powerful that the outer layer was ready to pop off. The intensity of the light was so strong, there was no way the denser layer was going to stay on.

The message I received from the image I saw was simple and deep. This light filled person, from my meditation, is you and me. It’s all of us who have been unjustly judged for having anxiety. Too many times we hide our light because we don’t feel safe. Other times we dull our light in order to make others feel more comfortable. Both of these situations hurt us immensely. By not honoring ourselves and living authentically, we are harming ourselves.

Living hunched over, while resisting shedding any heavier layers, does not protect us. In fact, it creates anxiety within us. Many of us try to hold onto this heavier candy coating, even though it’s not good for us, because it feels safe. The truth is, we are not protecting ourselves when we hide who we really are. Our souls are screaming to be free, seen, and heard. Not honoring our souls creates a disruption in the energy flow in our bodies, thereby creating anxiety.

I’m not suggesting that it’s easy to shuck off that outer layer. Not at all. It can leave us feeling raw and vulnerable and I can personally attest to how this feels. When I first started to heal anxiety, I felt like a layer had been ripped off of me. I felt exposed, but over time I eventually began to see that I was safe and divinely protected.

Now is the time to shine your light. Our light is too strong and too bright to hold onto any harder, denser layers. It is safe to proudly stand tall and rid ourselves from the burden of all heavier outer shells. It is time to boldly step into our light. We are divinely protected as we courageously shine our light. It is not our job to make others feel better by making ourselves less. Our responsibility is to unapologetically shine brightly and step into our true power and potential. This is how we can best serve ourselves and the world.


Tricia EasterComment