Angel's Gold Healing

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Wildlife Healing

Spring was surprisingly busy this year. I’ve been finishing up some final details of my book, updating my website, expanding my garden, and completing landscaping projects as well as going to recitals and soccer games. Additionally, my younger son graduated from high school.  With all the busyness of life, I’m being reminded to connect with nature, slow down, and breathe.

Spring and summer are when the wildlife reemerges after the long cold winter. Wildlife in its natural element is captivating and I’m always in awe of it. I believe it’s no coincidence that people see wildlife at certain times. Encounters you have with wildlife are not by chance but instead are synchronous events. When you see wildlife, whether up close or from a distance, there are important healing messages and energy that’s being passed onto to you.

“Instead of viewing certain events in your life as a coincidence, synchronicity is knowing and understanding that these events are intentional and are serving your growth and healing. A Godincidence.” - Tricia Easter, from my book Bold Trust – 6 Steps to Unravel the Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting, Unapologetically Trust Yourself, and Heal Anxiety

Nature is always supporting you and the wildlife you see during certain times in your life is helping you to heal. After a challenging week, I appreciate the support from the wildlife I’ve seen. Below are the different wildlife I’ve seen this week and the messages they shared. Perhaps some of the messages will resonate with you and the experiences you’re currently going through.


Early this week I saw a few moles running in front of me on my walks. The small tunnels in our yard are the telltale signs that we have some moles too.  Even though I’m squeamish with all rodents, including moles, I still appreciate the messages from them. While at times they feel like pests, they are powerful animals to encounter and are considered good luck in many cultures.

Moles are blind and have to rely on their senses to thrive, so the message and energy they share is to trust your intuition and have faith that everything’s going to be fine. They also suggest that you may be in the dark about something, so you may have to dig around for the truth. This week, the true colors of some people I once trusted have started to show. The energy from the mole is helping me to uncover the truth about these people.



The next wildlife encounter I experienced was a black bear. Not only have I been seeing some on my walks, but we also had a black bear walk through the electric fence that’s safeguarding my husband’s bees. The fence is solar powered and didn’t have enough charge. Luckily, the bees are safe and just the top part of the hive had to be replaced.

Bears are a reminder to be attentive to your boundaries and to fiercely protect yourself and your loved ones.  The same day and time the bear got past our electric fence, I also had a work experience that showed me where I needed stronger boundaries. I had already done so much work to instill good boundaries, but this experience showed me that clearer boundaries are needed. Just like the electric fence needed more charge to be stronger, my boundaries needed to be recharged too. My work experience definitely exhausted me, but it hasn’t done any serious damage, like the beehive. Bear energy infuses you with strength and clarity so that you can enforce boundaries that protect you and your loved ones.


Turkey and Chicks

My daughter and I then saw a momma turkey with her six chicks on our morning walk. They’ve also been spending a lot of time in our backyard. As we walked by them, we heard the momma clucking to them so that they would follow her and keep them close to her to be safe. Not only are the chicks adorable to watch, but the whole interaction between the momma and her chicks was beautiful. I believe the message from the momma turkey and her chicks has two meanings.

The first is that if you are a parent or guardian of children, keep them close to keep them safe right now. Your children are safe when they are with you. At the moment, my daughter is witnessing intense drama from others with her sport and it feels overwhelming. We’ve been going on many walks to help her (and me) process and sort out her feelings. Seeing the turkeys was a reminder that I’m on the right path with her and that I should continue comforting her, nurturing her, and keeping her close.

The second part of the message from the turkeys is to mother yourself, which is something I’m still learning how to do. My blog, Seeing the Truth: Mothering Myself, shares additional details about this. People who haven’t had a strong mother figure, had an abusive mother, or who as a child had to take on the role of parent have to learn how to mother themselves. Others who have not had this type of experience as a child instinctively know how to nurture themselves, but for those who haven’t, integrating this level of self-care is necessary to heal. If you’re a parent or guardian to children, treat yourself as you would your own children. If you don’t have children, treat yourself as you would your pet or close friend. The turkey and her chicks are a reminder to prioritize your needs and go easy on yourself. This message was a much needed reminder this week.



Shortly after my daughter and I saw the turkeys, we saw a deer. Usually deer are skittish, yet this one didn’t budge as we walked by. It just kept a watchful eye on us. We have a lot of deer on our property too, which are beautiful to see but if I don’t have natural deer repellant in place they wreak havoc on my apple trees, flowers, and garden.

Seeing a deer in nature is a reminder to trust your keen senses, your intuition, to determine what is safe and what is dangerous. Deer symbolize strength and agility. In connection with your intuition, deer teach you when to stand your ground (like this deer was) and they give you the strength to do it. They also teach when to flee and provide the agility to do so. Deer are graceful creatures that are reminders to be gentle with yourself.

For me and for my daughter the energy and message from this deer was to be observant and trust what our instincts are telling us. We will know when we need to plant our feet in the ground and when to run. But mostly the message was to be gentle and kind to ourselves, especially during challenging times.

Next time you’re overwhelmed, confused, exhausted, or just need a reminder that the universe, God, and the angels are with you, be observant of nature and the wildlife you see. Observing wildlife in nature is deeply healing. Step outside, get your bare feet on the grass, breathe in the fresh air, and see what nature wants to share with you. Pay attention to the wildlife you see. There is support all around you.

Look for my book Bold Trust – 6 Steps to Unravel the Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting, Unapologetically Trust Yourself, and Heal Anxiety which will be available this summer.