Angel's Gold Healing

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Lake Messages

One of my favorite summer activities is swimming in the lake. On a hot summer day, there’s nothing more refreshing than swimming in a cool lake. When my whole body is in a lake, I feel like all my stress from the fall, winter, and spring is cleansed from me. It’s a chance for my body, mind, and soul to reset. My heart sings just being near a lake and taking in the beautiful views. Whether it’s the sea, a river, or a lake, all natural bodies of water have healing powers.

Because we moved around the U.S. for more than 20 years, our family vacations typically involved visiting extended family and exploring the parts of the country where we were living. When we first moved to New England, my husband’s work colleague invited us to stay at his family’s lake house for a week. Stepping into their lake house and taking in the stunning views of the lake, I felt both peace and longing at the same time. Peace because the lake had captured my heart and longing because my heart craved more time at the lake. I decided at that moment our summer family vacations from then on would be at the lake.

Most lakes in New England are pristine and clear and summer at the lake is a way of life. I’ve lived in New England for the past eight years and every summer we rent a cabin for a week at a lake. My requirements for the rental include air conditioning, a diving platform for our kids, and that it’s dog-friendly (so we can bring our two beagles).

At this point, we no longer have to remind our kids of the “no electronics at the lake house” rule. We read, paint, cook hot dogs on a campfire, eat smores, play board games, take naps, paddle board, kayak, and, of course, swim in the lake. The whole family (including our dogs) soak in the lake for the week. Our time at the lake is a time for us to unwind, relax, and reconnect with ourselves and each other.

Summer at the lake is also a great time for me to connect spiritually and receive messages from the divine. This year I ordered Rebecca Campbell’s new The Healing Waters oracle card deck which was released right before my trip. I couldn’t wait to use them at the lake! Every morning I sat on the porch and took in the lake views while drawing cards from my new deck. To celebrate my new card deck, I also drew a card every morning at the lake house for you to share the magic of lake healing.

Below are the cards I pulled for you. They are your healing messages from the lake in Maine. Hopefully, they resonate with you!

Day 1 – “The Ripple Effect” – “You are part of something bigger. Details are taken care of.”

You are part of a collective movement that will have a ripple effect in the world and create positive changes. Just by showing up and consciously traveling your own healing path, you’re sending out ripples that will eventually form into much larger waves. Your part is important and very much needed. Keep moving forward. Keep focusing on your healing.

Day 2 – “En Caul” – “Healer. Seer. Priest/ess/ex. Soul purpose.”

En caul is when a baby enters this world still in its protective amniotic sac – the mother’s water doesn’t break during birth. In different cultures an en caul birth is a good omen, meaning the child born has gifts of healing. This card indicates that you are a healer. As you heal yourself, you are able to help others heal. By doing the deep and, at times, difficult work of healing you’re transforming your pain and hardships.

Day 3 – “The Sacred Well” – “Replenishment. Self-care. Giving from a place of plenty.”

This card is about self-care. It’s a reminder to keep your well full so that you aren’t depleting your reserves. To be on this healing path, to heal anxiety, you cannot let your well go dry. Your self-care needs to be a priority. You need to replenish your well regularly so that you can heal and feel vibrant. Think about what you need for your well to feel full.

Day 4 – “She Who Flows” – “Ease. Being open to change. Go with the flow of life.”

Healing is easier when you flow with life. Accepting obstacles and challenges rather than avoiding or fighting them conserves energy and resources. Going with the flow of life is much more productive and sustainable. There’s more power to embrace when you go with the current than trying to resist it.  

Day 5 - "Metamorphosis” – “Embrace transformation. Things are now different.”

This card is a reminder that growth can be uncomfortable but is a necessary part of change. It’s through growth and change that you transform and heal. Things are always changing – you and the world you live in. Embracing change is about going with the flow of life which allows you to connect with the wisdom of the universe.

Day 6 - "Stagnant Waters” – “Feeling stuck. A call for shifts, flow, and change.”

This card suggests that there may have been areas of your life where you may have been feeling stuck, but there’s movement now. Embracing change invites fluidity into your life to help keep your energy moving and flowing, while at the same time preserving your energy. You’re making the necessary changes so that you are flowing with life which is allowing you to receive more from the universe. More support, more abundance, more healing, and more love.

In summary, your healing will have a great impact on a global scale. By traveling your own healing path, you’re encouraging others to embark on their own healing journey. You are needed to help others heal in whatever capacity speaks to you, however big or small. But make sure you are taking care of yourself first and foremost. You can only give to others what you have for yourself. It’s only from a place of regular self-care that you can help others.

The rest of the cards are about embracing change and going with the flow of your life. Change is the one thing in life that’s constant. Welcoming change not only conserves your energy, but it also allows you to create a deep spiritual connection. Embracing change opens you up for great personal transformations.

Healing anxiety demands that you listen to the callings of your soul. It also necessitates that you prioritize your well-being. The messages from the lake are a great reminder of the importance of restoration for healing and to live an abundant life. To heal anxiety, you must rest and then rest some more. This replenishment piece has been instrumental in my own personal healing.

The final messages from the lake are from the loon and bald eagle. We had many loons in and around the lake. One night they were right outside our house and were so loud, their calls sounding very etheric. Loons symbolize your voice and are about diving deep to uncover the truth.

On the fourth of July we also saw a bald eagle fly above us as we were swimming in the lake. The bald eagle, especially on the fourth of July, is all about freedom.  The loon and bald eagle are messages to use your voice to share your truth which will free you from anxiety.

Water, especially natural bodies of water, are good conduits of energy and messages from the divine. Take a morning, afternoon, or evening to visit a lake, pond, river, or the ocean if you have access to any of these. Otherwise, be aware of the water in your shower and bath. Connect with the water and listen to the messages that are there for you.

 Look for my book Bold Trust – 6 Steps to Unravel the Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting, Unapologetically Trust Yourself, and Heal Anxiety which will be available this summer.